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the new UI of foxhole on update 58 breaks many new interface inventory icons when using this mod v4.0 can't wait for an update, this is THE BEST MOD FoxHole Has so far!


Update for Update 57?

this, i love this mod, it's THE BEST MUST HAVE Icons mod, pls update!

Anyone not able to open the mods?

"Cannot open file as an archive"?

(2 edits) (+2)

You don’t have to open the files.apk

To install the PAK file :

1. Download the file
2. Past it to [your Steam Libray location games]\Steam\steamapps\common\Foxhole\War\Content\Paks
3. Start the game and enjoy

Was trying to add an extra step and forgot how to install mods apparently, thanks.

Was expecting the icons the look different till I went to the actual foxhole folder.

Times like this I feel like an idiot.

It looks like the ARC/RPG is labeled as AP/RPG currently




Mods de qualités, indispensable pour mon expérience foxholienne.


Merci Sentsu ! :)


AMAZING MOD! the best one out there, could you please update it?

I wish i could update it so everyone can use it, it's a great mod, a direct improvement, a must addition for every single foxhole enjoyer 


Im relatively sure its discontinued



glad it got updated, it was really needed


I'm back and I made an update for the Naval Warfare Update! ;)


You are the best and my favorite!


OMG I LOVE YOU SENTSU! let me donate, great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Stuff Broken in Update 52:

Spires icon name was changed to "ScoutTankWIcon" mod uses the incorrect older name "ScoutVehicleWar"

The mods Gallant icon has a typo preventing it from showing up

Tankettes icon name was changed to "TanketteCVehicleIcon" mod uses the incorrect older name "ArmoredCarDefensiveVehicleIcon"

The Flood icon is incorrectly showing "Ascension"


Stuff Missing From Update 52:

Advanced CV, Lordscar, and Small Fuel Car, are not present



Widows icon should say "Widow" and not "Noble"

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Sentsu, pretty please, l'icone du Balfour Rampart indique toujours comme munition 40 (mm). Or c'est désormais du 68. Merci pour tes mods de grandes qualités !
(readers, please send $$$£££€€€ to Sentsu)

I'm sorry I'm newbie for, I don't know the exactly installation way for this mod.

Should I download it all? 

Or I should only download one of it?

(2 edits) (+2)

Sentsu cut this mod in 3 parts so you can download/install what you want. If you want all of it, you need to download all 3 of them and put them in the repository \[your Steam Libray location Games]\Steam\steamapps\common\Foxhole\War\Content\Paks

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mod Foxhole 1.0 update on the way ?
thx for great work


Yes I'm working on it!

Don't forget your fans :-)

(1 edit) (+2)

If there's ever a Foxhole Awards competition, I'm certain you'd win something for Best Utility 👌


must have mod!


Dude... this is next level! How is this not an in game option?!?
One thing I'd love to see is an icon that shows if I have a Bayonet on. You need to put it on again every time you put your gun away so a few time I've thought it was on and only found out when I went to use it. I know it says "Bayonet" but it would be great to see a little blue bayonet in the corner of the rifle icon if that's possible! :D
Again thank you so much this is such a game changer! :D <3

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Thank you a lot for this useful mod <3